2024 Reflections
I’m finally taking some time to reflect on last year and everything I was able to accomplish—and wow, there was a lot of performing! Some highlights: my 88bit Main Stage concert at MAGFest, Main Stage at PAX East, performing with A New World, TwitchCon, and touring with the Mamma Mia National Tour.
In total, I played 92 concerts, did 85 Twitch streams, and traveled 21 times—the most performing and traveling I’ve ever done in a single year, all while teaching at Baldwin Wallace. On top of that, I worked on 7 recordings and arrangements that were released last year.
At the end of each year (and throughout), I try to take time to reflect on where my career is headed. Am I moving toward my goals, or just saying yes to everything that comes my way? It’s easy to go where the wind takes you—sometimes that leads to incredible, unexpected opportunities, and other times, it can pull you off course.
Last year was filled with amazing experiences, and I’m truly grateful for all of them. Moving forward, I want to be more intentional with my performances and make more space for writing, composing, and recording. This year is already packed with exciting concerts, trips, and a major recording project I’m currently working on. The first half of the year is fairly booked, but for the second half, I’d love to start recording another original album—and if the right opportunity comes along, I’d love to compose for or collaborate on another video game project.
The photo below shows my full-year calendar, where I track all my performances. (Except for a few dates, everything in a box involved some form of travel!) Looking at everything, I feel proud of what I was able to accomplish and yet there's so much I still hope to achieve. 😊
Below is a full list of last year’s performances and recordings.
- No Exit in Minneapolis (3 concerts)
- MAGFest - 5 events (88bit, Metroid Metal, Triforce Quarter, magFAST, EyeQ Panel)
- Piano Phase at Baldwin Wallace
- Mamma Mia, Cleveland (2 shows)
- No Exit at Cleveland Museum of Art
- No Exit, Cleveland (4 concerts)
- GDC - 3 concerts (Orchestra, Amazon, GANG Awards)
- PAX East - 3 sets (w/ Insaneintherain, Mega Ran and Dom Palombi)
- A New World: intimate music from Final Fantasy
- VGM Con - 4 events (w/ Mezzocarattere, w/ 8-bit Music Theory, request show, Straylight panel)
- Jon Li Twitch Collab
- Performed a wedding in Austin
- No Exit (3 concerts)
- She Scores - 2 pieces (contemporary music concert)
- No Exit Recording Session
- 88bit performance at MAGStock
- Mamma Mia National Tour, Dayton, OH (8 shows)
- 88bit at Classic Game Fest, Austin, TX
- MJ, the Michael Jackson National Tour (6 shows)
- Twitch Front Page Stream
- Lakeside Symphony Orchestra
- 88bit at Long Island Retro Gaming Expo
- Dom Palombi Twitch Collab
- Zeldathon (3 events)
- Opus 216 gig
- Food Truck Friday downtown Cleveland
- Carole King Tribute band (2 concerts)
- Cocktail Jazz gig
- Twitch Con - 6 events (w/ CEO Dan Clancy, w/ Mega Ran, w/ Dom Palombi, w/ KimarieSky, Partner Party, Yamaha Booth)
- No Exit - 3 concerts
- gave a masterclass on pit playing, Playhouse Square
- LA trip - Game Sound Con, Office Drummer Twitch Collab, MusicIsCode Collab
- Cleveland Clinic Gala
- Mamma Mia National tour, Grand Rapids (8 shows)
- Mamma Mia National tour, Louisville (6 shows)
- Songs for the Season
• 7 concerts at the Cleveland Clinic
• 85 Twitch Streams