Complete Original Works
(tap on a song title to listen or download music)
Movie Scores
- Al.A.In.A (2018)
- Intrusion (2018)
- Unamused (2017)
- Einsam (2016)
- Game On (2015)
- Return (2015)
- Sierra (2014)
- The Dentist (2013)
- Excelsior (2013)
- Modus Operandi (credits only) (2012)
- Phemimenon (2011)
- The Ballad of Captain Flavor Savor (credits only) (2010)
Saffron (2006)
- Saffron [piano/vocal] [full score]
- Hover
- Let It Stay Lost
- Flying Blindly
- Not Awake
- Line and Fear [piano/vocal] [full score]
- Opportunity
- Say It’s Alright
- Can You Hear Me Say Goodbye
2010 Vision Mix
- Th(is)
- Everything You Hadn’t Done Before
- Where We Belong
- Rapt in Transit [full score]
Let Go (unreleased)
- Phade
- Fizzle
- Momentary Bliss
- Reach You
- Interlude
- Here in the Future
- Should Haves
- Reprise
- Bitter Memory
Unpublished Songs
- The 12-Tone Song
- Before I Ever Was
- Dead Battery
- Driving Me Mad
- For the Taking
- In Orbit
- I’ve Been a Fool
- Know What You Are
- Play Out
- Workforce
Piano Solo / E-Cards
- Thanksgiving Song (Sending Wishes Across the Miles)
- Easter Morning Song
- Like Simple Gifts
- Phillip Glass Card
- Messages in a Bottle
- AG Card 1
- Song for a Fallen Pet
- Le Douche Rag
- Beautifulish World
- Hanukkah Card
- Silent Night